Friday, May 23, 2014

Up, Up and Away!

The students are learning about air and things that move in and with the air. Students decided to take interest in machines that fly so our focus has been on hot air balloons, airplanes, helicopters and rocket ships.
Students learned the terminology for each machine like the envelope, burners and basket for the hot air balloon. We watched videos about the machine ascending and descending and talk about where we would like to go on a ride.

We learned about weaving patterns, how they make baskets for hot air balloons. This is a great fine motor skill. We also learned how sound travels through the air and string in string can telephones. In a provocation on rocket ships, students watched videos of the launching of the space shuttles and learned about they are similar to the flying machine we already learned about.

We even made our own hot air balloon for dramatic play!


Some activities you can try at home:
Build your own hot air balloon
Weaving baskets - Plastic baskets found at the dollar store and different colored ribbon
String can phones - Make a hole in the bottom of two tin cans, thread heavy twine through and knot
Lay in the grass and look at the clouds or passing airplanes
Visit the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Plainville, CT in August!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Exploring with Wire

We recently have been using wire as a provocation, exploring and letting the students take the lead on how to use it. They have come up with some very creative ways to use the wire like threading with beads, wrapping around other materials and they've just begun bending the wire so it will stand. The students really like to use the wire and beads on mirrors. We use different gauge wire but the one that works the best so far is floral wire (you can find it at the dollar store!). The 3-D artwork they are making is on display in our classroom!


Also, don't forget our Mother's Day Celebration is today at 3:30PM and again on Monday at 3:30PM for any moms who can't make it today. We will have a scavenger hunt with prizes, in class art activities, gifts and a light snack served by the students. Thank you!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spring Into Art Show

This year's Spring into Art Show was a huge success! The kids really enjoyed creating art with natural materials and beautiful stuff. As artists they are proud to share their work with the rest of the school.

Our exhibits were featured in a Reggio Emilia style, each artist having their own space with their own artwork. We also had two whole-class projects; the Beautiful Stuff Mobile and the Andy Goldsworthy  inspired Shades of Leaves project. Every student participated in these projects in some way.

You can find directions for each of our projects to try at home here:
Beautiful Stuff Mobile
Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Shades of Leaves
Iris Blades
Natural Pattern Designs
Sheepfold Representation

Some photos of our exhibits

Thank you to the families who joined us for the Spring into Art show this year, we hope that you enjoyed all of the classroom's artwork!